
Academic Calendar 2024-2025

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Search Results for "FREN 389"

FREN 389  Special Topics in French Language and Literature  Units: 3.00  
Lecture on a selected topic in French Language and Literature; course is either being offered for the first time or is being taught by visiting faculty. Topics will depend on the professor's interest and field of research. Consult the Department of French Studies website for further details of specific course offerings each year.
NOTE This course is repeatable for credit under different topic titles.
Learning Hours: 120 (36 Lecture, 84 Private Study)  
Requirements: Prerequisite FREN 230/3.0 and FREN 231/3.0.  
Offering Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Science  

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain a foundational knowledge of the topic.
  2. Describe the key concepts related to the topic.
  3. Engage in respectful discussions on issues pertaining to the topic.
  4. Critically reflect on the issues pertaining to the topic.
  5. Respond creatively to a theme discussed on the topic.