As this newsletter lands on your virtual desk, all of us are likely in the process of preparing for our mid-year performance dialogues. While these opportunities take place twice a year, our discussions are most effective if we maintain a continuous dialogue with each other throughout the year.  

Detailed in my newsletter ALT Performance Dialogue Process (PDP) the ALT is committed to a formal process for staff to rate our performance as a leadership team. This supplements other opportunities for discussion and feedback made available throughout the year.  The ALT PDP follows the same format as the one we use now and will be provided at mid-year and year-end.  It outlines ALT's core responsibilities, objectives, and the Advancement values and observable behaviours to which we are committed.  

ALT is pleased to provide this important mechanism for feedback on our performance as a leadership team.  While individual responses will be treated as confidential, your voice remains critical to the success of this ongoing process. The 2021-22 ALT PDP is available on QUIRC for your review. We hope you will consider participating through a and look forward to your feedback. We would appreciate your response by end of day, Monday, Nov. 29.  

On-campus update

In the Karen's newsletter Connections, information was provided about the requirements that determine when our offices will reopen for staff who seek to return to campus for a hybrid-working arrangement. The requirements are:

1.    Notification must be provided. 
2.    A safety plan must be established and approved, per the campus re-opening framework.
3.    A space plan informed by recommendations of Building a Better Workplace and the Remote Work Procedures must be developed.

For staff who worked in Summerhill and the Old Medical Building, ALT has committed to providing at least four weeks’ notice before those spaces re-open. Based on our current timelines, mainly related to space planning, we can confirm that everyone will continue to work remotely – except for previously identified Advancement staff already working on campus – until at least Mar. 1. 

For Advancement staff who worked in faculty offices, your return-to-campus spaces will be managed by faculty processes and plans.

Gift Services holiday schedule

This week, Christa Walsh will post the annual memo regarding the Holiday Schedule and Calendar Year-end Cut-off Dates to QUIRC.  We are committed to providing our donors with timely recording and processing of all gifts that qualify for a 2021 tax receipt.  While the procedures remain largely the same as last year, there are a few COVID-specific items to consider. Please review the memo and contact Christa if you have any questions.

Phone coverage over the holidays

By Melanie McEwen, Manager, Alumni Services 

As in previous years, the Office of Advancement plans to have phone coverage during the university's holiday closing to serve alumni and friends who call over this period. Advancement staff will have the opportunity to cover phone shifts during these dates (morning and afternoon shifts: 8:30am-12:30pm and 12:30pm-4:30pm). In recognition of this support, we would like to offer those staff members who volunteer one full day of vacation (lieu) for covering a half-day shift. Coverage will take place in Summerhill 109, and training will be provided in advance. In order to provide this opportunity to as many staff as possible, we ask that you sign up for a maximum of two shifts. 

The dates for phone coverage are as follows:

•    Friday, Dec. 24 – afternoon shifts (2 people per shift)
•    Monday, Dec. 27 – both morning and afternoon shifts (2 people per shift)
•    Tuesday, Dec. 28 – both morning and afternoon shifts (2 people per shift)
•    Wednesday, Dec. 29 - both morning and afternoon shifts (2 people per shift)
•    Thursday, Dec. 30 – both morning and afternoon shifts (2  people per shift)
•    Friday, Dec. 31 – both morning and afternoon shifts (2 people per shift)

Please note that members of ALT will be available for "on-call" support during your shift, should you require any assistance. Training sessions will be available for staff who volunteer. If you are interested in a phone shift, please contact Amy Offord.

Shifts will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up by Friday, Dec. 3.

Employee spotlight

The Employee Spotlight celebrates the arrival of our new staff by profiling responses they share through a fun and informal survey that will help us get to know them better. Be sure to review these profiles and use these fun facts and tidbits to find commonalities, embrace differences and spark a conversation. 

This week's current Advancement staff feature is , in the position of Senior Development Officer, University-wide.

Jobs with Advancement

We need your recruitment help. Know great talent that would be a good addition to our team? If so, please promote the vacancies below with your networks and let’s find some amazing new team members.

Applications (including a cover letter and résumé) must be submitted through CareerQ. For additional information on this posting, please reach out to either Carla Ferreira Rodrigues or the hiring manager for the position you are interested in.

Apply for available positions







Web Programmer Analyst J0621-1494 Information Technology Management Nov. 21, 2021 7 Continuing
Alumni Officer  J1121-0642 Alumni Relations Nov. 19, 2021 7 Continuing


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