Sc'69 50th Reunion Class Photo

Smith Engineering: Class of 1969

Next reunion

Homecoming registration is now live. Please ! We encourage you to participate in all of the activities over the weekend that interest you, including the Dean's Breakfast, the football game and the Tricolour Guard Reception and Dinner. There is a great deal planned. Refer to the Homecoming Schedule of Events for details.

Class Specific Events:

There will be no pre-registration or up front cost for our events.

Sc'69 Reception

Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront, St. Lawrence Suite
Friday, Oct. 18
5–8 pm
Snacks will be served and can bring your favourite beverages.

Note: The suite will be open as a meeting place for Sc'69 throughout the weekend.

Sc'69 Class Photo

Ellis Hall (in front)
Saturday, Oct. 19
11 am
Please arrive a bit earlier since it usually takes David Penty a few minutes to get the group organized to fit into one photo!

Sc'69 Continental Farewell Breakfast

Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront, St. Lawrence Suite
Sunday, Oct. 20
8–10 am
We will have a sign-up sheet at the Friday reception to get an idea of the numbers for this breakfast. A small cash contribution will be requested from attendees at the breakfast to cover the costs.

Upcoming Events