• Gratituesday

The Legacy of Giving

Kasmet Niyongabo Sc’11, MBA’20, Queen’s University Council Member

My undergraduate experience at Queen’s was special and it was one of the most exciting experiences in my formative years. I met some of my best friends during my time in mining engineering, and I learned a great deal. For many of us, Queen’s was the first time we experienced freedom, responsibility, and what it means to be who we are. During that time, the generosity of alumni made my experience measurably better, and I can attest that my experience could not have existed without the generosity of alumni who put in place various types of financial support. I was always grateful for the financial support I received throughout the years and I was glad to give back to the school soon after graduation.

My wife, Jessica, and I are not only regular donors to the school, but we decided to put Queen’s in our will to keep the legacy of giving going for generations to come. As a graduate student, I returned to Queen’s to complete an MBA with the Smith School of Business. I have continued to share my time, talent, and treasure with the school to keep our Queen’s community strong and striving. As a member of the Queen’s Council, I am reminded of how valuable our Queen’s community is, and all the work happening behind the scenes to keep the university running smoothly. My goal is to provide the right conditions for every student at Queen’s to feel like they belong and to provide them with the environment they need to reach their full potential.

Learn more about Kasmet’s role on University Council.