Dr. Allison Morehead, “Caring & Curing: Edvard Munch in the Clinic, 1908-09”


Thursday January 21, 2021
12:00 pm - 12:00 pm


Nordic Museum, Seattle

In conjunction with the Nordic Museum in Seattle’s exhibition of Munch Photographs, Dr. Morehead’s talk on January 21 examines Edvard Munch in the Clinic, 1908-09. Edvard Munch recorded his stay at a private nerve clinic in Copenhagen (1908–09) in numerous photographs, representing himself laid out for a bath, but also dressed and "at work." He photographed, sketched, and painted the clinic's doctor, as well as the nurses, care-workers, and patients who populated his world during his months-long rest cure. This talk explores the world of the clinic through Munch's work, revealing not only one artist's experience, but also a new kind of medical institution for caring and curing.