澳门六合彩开奖现场 Film Club Black History Month Screening


Monday February 5, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Screening Room

This event is hosted by the Queen's Film Club.


Hi everyone! This month is Black Histories and Futures month and to celebrate Film Club will be screening 3 different films from Black filmmakers across the Diaspora. Our screenings include:

馃實 ReelOut's Africa: Within & Without Shorts
馃帹 Rye Lane
鉂 Queen's Black Sisters Society x Queen's Film Club Mystery Screening

For this week's screening we recommend you attend ReelOut's Africa: Within and Without Shorts Series. After the shorts are screened, there will be a Q&A session with director Ayo Tsalithaba.

Shorts include "Atmospheric Arrivals" (2023), "As Leaves in the Wind" (2023), "This is Not You" (2023), and "14 Years & a Day" (2023).

The screening will take place on Monday, February 5, at 6 pm at The Screening Room. We will let you know where to meet with the group on Monday.