Chemical Engineering

Education Catalyst Award

This award is given to recognize the excellent skills of the teaching assistants of the Chemical Engineering Department.

This year's recipient is:

2023 - 2024 Aldo Emmanuel Gonz谩lez L贸pez

Nature of Award

This award is given to recognize the excellent skills of the teaching assistants of the Chemical Engineering Department.

Nomination Criteria

The award is given to the teaching assistant who best combines the following:

  • ability to effectively communicate ideas
  • willingness to help students
  • knowledge of course material
  • ability to answer questions effectively, and
  • board skills (where appropriate)

Nomination Procedure

Nominees for this award are selected by the undergraduate students.

Selection Process

The winner is then selected by the Chemical Engineering Club and the Head of Department.

Presentation of Award

The winner is informed by letter, and a plaque is presented to the TA at the annual Chemical Engineering banquet.

Past Winners

2023 - 2024 Aldo Emmanuel Gonz谩lez L贸pez
2022 - 2023 Jakob Straznicky
2021 - 2022 Josh Zacks
2020 - 2021 Not Awarded
2019 - 2020 Mona Kanso
2018 - 2019 Yazan Bdour
2017 - 2018 Peter Gilbert
2016 - 2017 David Beimers
2016 - 2017 Peter Gilbert
2015 - 2016 Ethan Katz
2015 - 2016 Stuart Young
2014 - 2015 Stuart Young
2013 - 2014 Peter Gilbert
2012 - 2013 Hamid Falahati
2011 - 2012 S. Dougherty
2008 - 2009 Roy Wu
2007 - 2008 Nicolas Hudon
2006 - 2007 Nicolas Hudon
2005 - 2006 James Hayami
2004 - 2005 Darryl DeHaan
2003 - 2004 Andrew Poyton
2001 - 2002 Carolan MacLeod
2000 - 2001 Helen Vrionis
1999 - 2000 Colin Breck
1998 - 1999 Mark Schaffer
1997 - 1998 John Ma
1997 - 1998 Mark Schaffer
1996 - 1997 Neil Miller
1995 - 1996 Lisa Collins
1994 - 1995 David Macdonald
1993 - 1994 Christine Williams