Craig Berggold

Craig Berggold

PhD Student

Cultural Studies

People Directory Affiliation Category

Media artist Craig Berggold strives to combine social justice activism with a contemporary art practice. His PhD research examines the visual culture of the precarious and so-called marginalized, who are now the majority, and whose lives are cobbled together with their work and personal lives indistinct and interchangeable. How are the precarious made visible and seen? The precariat work in temporary, intermittent, part-time jobs or internships, are migrant or flexible in their time and mobility, self-invest, often exist in perpetual debt, and with particular note to educated young people globally and women and racialized as a majority of the precarious workforce. Craig is a recipient of a 2016 SSHRC Canada Graduate Doctoral Scholarship and the 2015-16 Douglas Sheppard Wilson Film Fellowship Award. He is a Teaching Fellow in the Film and Media Department. And, elected four times as the President of Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) local 901- the union representing 2000 academic workers on precarious short-term contracts every semester. His award-winning films Fresh Talk: Youth & Sexuality, ,  and  have been broadcast on television and shown in film festivals, museums and community centres around the world. At Simon Fraser University鈥檚 Special Collections Library he is the lead researcher for . He has taught at Emily Carr University of Art & Design for a decade and is the co-founder of the Vancouver Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts
Research Intereststhe evolving fields of cultural labour studies, militant research, visual culture, precarious as a new class.