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    Effective Communication: Influencing Colleagues & Supervisors (ONLINE)

    Thursday, October 3, 2024
    9:00 AM – 11:30 AM

    Assess your assertiveness style and utilize this information to develop skills needed to express yourself directly and honestly. Learn techniques to communicate concisely (say more with fewer words), identify the actual issue and focus the dialogue. Participants will also learn to understand their audience and tailor communication appropriately. By consistently utilizing these approaches, individuals can learn to be more effective and persuasive communicators in the workplace.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Recognize how the way we communicate influences others
    • Describe what it means to be an empathetic communicator
    • Identify ways to be assertive communicators
    • Demonstrate how to present ideas using a persuasive approach
    • Utilize a framework to guide difficult conversations


    The workshop will help increase the following competencies included in Queen's Competency Dictionary:

    • Builds relationships
    • Collaboration and teamwork
    • Communication
    Jewel-Aksel Maeva Lyn Richard
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