
Events Calendar

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    Events Calendar

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    Reporting Errors or Abuse

    The Queen's Events Calendar is managed by , with its content created by members of the Queen’s community.

    University Relations is not responsible for monitoring or editing event calendar listings; and it is the responsibility of calendar users to ensure that listings are accurate and appropriate for the Queen’s community and the general public.

    Reporting errors

    Calendar users may report errors (such as incorrect date/time, location, etc.) directly to the event contact using the information provided in the event details.

    Reporting abuse of the calendar system

    Calendar users may report inappropriate content for moderation by University Relations.

    Valid reasons for reporting an event include:

    • Event was submitted by an unauthorized person
    • Event is not affiliated with Queen’s University
    • Offensive or inappropriate content
    • See the page for other possible reasons

    Event listings include a link at the bottom of the page that allows calendar users to report inappropriate postings. The link goes to a form where users can provide an explanation for why the event should be removed.

    Note that an active NetID is required to use this form and is also captured upon submission, but it is not disclosed to the event author or its organizers. The form does provide the option for users to indicate if they wish to be contacted for further details about the issue. Those without a NetID can contact to report a concern with the calendar.

    When an event is reported, it enters a moderation state and is removed from view until calendar administrators in University Relations can investigate the report.

    For every calendar event, the NetID of the person who posted it is captured. This helps to identify the event author, who may be contacted to verify or correct the posting.

    University Relations will permanently remove any event that is inappropriate for the calendar, that contravenes or encourages others to engage in activities that would be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the , or other university policy, or a municipal, provincial or federal law. The university may pursue disciplinary action as it would for any type of misconduct.


    • Once an event has been moderated and approved, it cannot be reported again though the form. Further concerns about an event can be expressed by contacting .
    • Events that have already taken place cannot be reported upon retroactively.
    • Faith dates and university closure/statutory holiday entries cannot be reported for moderation. Any concerns about or errors in these entries can be directed to .