MacGillivray-Brown Hall - 218 Barrie Street


Location: MacGillivray-Brown Hall is located on Barrie Street at the corner of Earl Street.   


North (accessible):
The accessible entrance is located to the right of the main entrance on the north side of the building. A wooden ramp with a railing leads to the door that has a doorbell. Ring the bell and someone will open the door.

East (main)
The main entrance to MacGillivray-Brown Hall located on Barrie Street is not accessible.

Building Accessibility Features

Corridors: There are doors that act as barriers in the corridors. They do not have operator buttons.

Wayfinding: There is a wide cement path leading up to the main entrance and the sign for the building is to the left of the main doors. The accessible entrance ramp is located to the right of the building. There is a narrower path leading to it from the right of the main doors, or a cement path leading to it directly from the sidewalk.

Washrooms: Accessible washrooms are located in the lobby area. All-gender washrooms are; B08, 103, 104, 164, 203

Parking: Permit parking is available at the Dupuis Hall parking lot on Clergy Street at Barrie Street. Time-limited parking is available in front of MacGillivray-Brown Hall on Barrie Street, and on Clergy and Earl Streets


Floor Plans - N/A

MacGillivray-Brown Hall Site Plans