Karine Bertrand Photo

Karine Bertrand

Associate Professor

Film and Media


Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts

My interest for cinema and films in general came from watching old black and white movies with my grandma on PBS on Sunday afternoons. Beyond these old Hollywood narratives, I have grown to love films stemming from all parts of the world. More recently, my research interests have been centered on Quebec cinema (intercultural collaborations), Indigenous films and poetry, road movies, transnational cinemas and oral practices of cinema.  

I am also a member of the Vulnerable Media Lab at Queen鈥檚 and lead researcher for the Archive/Counter-Archive research project (financed by SSHRC) working with the Arnait Video Productions collective of Inuit women and with Qu茅b茅cois filmmaker Marie-H茅l猫ne Cousineau. I am co-director of the research group EPIC (esth茅tique et politique de l鈥檌mage cin茅matographique) where we discuss the politics and aesthetics of screen images. My latest publications include a book chapter on the rock group U2 ( MacKenzie and Iversen, 2021) a book chapter on the exploration of Indigenous lands (Cahill and Caminati, 2020) an article on Indigenous women and testimonies (Canadian Journal of Film Studies, 2020) on Qu茅b茅cois cinema and Americanit茅 (American Review of Canadian Studies, 2019) and a book chapter on Canadian and Qu茅b茅cois Indigenous cinemas (Oxford Handbook to Canadian Cinema, 2019). I am presently working on a project involving the creation of an international network for Indigenous women filmmakers, and continuing  partnerships with the Wapikoni Mobile and the INAAC (the International Network for Aboriginal Audio-Visual Creation).  

Besides my research, which I am very passionate about, I love to be outdoors, connecting with nature. I have studied medicinal plants and take every occasion I get to play outside; canoeing, hiking, skiing, camping, gardening. I also love writing poetry and teaching courses where I can develop a strong connection with my students. 

Selected Bibliography

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淯2鈥檚 Rattle and Hum: God, Sex, Rock and Roll, and God again鈥 in MacKenzie, Scott and Iverson, Gunnar, Images and Sounds of Fury: Mapping the Rockumentary, Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淟鈥櫯搖vre documentaire d鈥橝lanis Obomsawin et la voix des femmes autochtones.鈥 Book chapter for the monograph entitled 鈥淒e l鈥檈xclusion 脿 la solidarit茅. Regards intersectionnels sur les m茅dias鈥 (Josette Brun, Ed.) Les 脡ditions Remue-M茅nage, 2020.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淔rom Pierre Perrault to Wim Wenders: Auteur Cinema and the Poetic Exploration of Indigenous Lands and Identities鈥 in Caminati, Luca and James Leo Cahill, Cinemas of Exploration: Essays on an Adventurous Film Practice, AFI/Routledge, 2020.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淎uto-histoires et repr茅sentations communautaires dans le cin茅ma des femmes autochtones.鈥 in Revue canadienne d鈥櫭﹖udes cin茅matographiques, vol. 29, Issue 1, Spring 2020, p. 69-89.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淟鈥櫭﹏onciation 茅pistolaire dans le cin茅ma qu茅b茅cois et autochtone contemporain鈥 in 脕rea Abierta. Revista de comunicaci贸n audiovisual y publicitaria, vol. 19, no.3, 2019, p. 307-326.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淟e cin茅ma autochtone au Qu茅bec, entre repr茅sentation et r茅-appropriation鈥 in Contemporary French Civilization, vol. 44, issue 2-3, 2019, p. 221-240.

Bertrand Karine and Baillargeon, Merc茅d猫s (eds.). 鈥淚ntroduction: Transnationalisme et cin茅ma Qu茅b茅cois鈥 in Contemporary French Civilization, vol.44, issue 2-3, 2019, p.137-150.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淒e Gilles Groulx 脿 Jean-Marc Vall茅e: Transnationalisme, Am茅ricanit茅 et territoire dans le cin茅ma qu茅b茅cois鈥 in American Review of Canadian Studies, February 2019, p. 43-63.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淢artha of the North and Nunavik Narratives of Survivance鈥 in Kaganovsky Lilya, MacKenzie, Scott and Westerst氓hl Stenport, Anna, Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana Press, 2019, p. 289-301.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淐anadian Indigenous Cinema: from Alanis Obomsawin to the Wapikoni Mobile鈥 in Marchessault, Janine and Straw, Will, The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Cinema, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 105-124.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥樷楶olitiques et po茅tiques du langage : l鈥檌nuktitut et le corps-verbal dans le cin茅ma inuit鈥欌 in TranscUlturAl, Vo. 10, no. 1, 2018, p. 29-44.

Bertrand, Karine. 鈥淟e collectif Arnait Video Productions et le cin茅ma engag茅 des femmes inuit: gu茅rison communautaire et m茅moire culturelle鈥 in Revue canadienne de litt茅rature compar茅e, Vol. 44 Issue 1, 2017, p. 36-53.