PeopleSoft Query Mapping Table

Mapping your PeopleSoft Reports & Queries to the New Financial Reporting Tool

We will maintain a list of PeopleSoft reports and queries in this section so please visit often!

Query Name FAST Report Link Details/Description
QU_MAPPING_ACCOUNT_CODE or QU_GL_ACCOUNT_LISTING_ALL Run wide open to find the listing name
QU_GL_YTD_FUNDTRANS_UNITS Navigate to the Non Research Reports menu option, and select the Trust and Endowment report. This report contains all of the information in the query, with the exception of the Journal details which are available by drilling down on transaction detail
QU_GL_ACCTTRANS_YTD   For researchers needing period 0 information they can drill down on the Statement of Operations Research (when available) or the Project Summary report to get the same information. Other users can access this information from the Transaction Detail Balance Sheet
QU_GL_DEPTTRANS_YTD Nearly identical to the transaction detail revenue and expense report. With the FAST report providing additional details
QU_GL_RESEARCHPROJECTS Access to information can be retrieved through the Statement of Ops Research by Account then drilling down on the month Actual to the transaction details. Both include only income statement items
QU_GL_PROJDETAIL Virtually identical to the QU_GL_RESEARCHPROJECTS query with additional AP details. This can be found in FAST by drilling down on the Journal ID of an AP transaction. There is also an AP Transaction detail report that is for projects which can be used to get the same information
QU_GL_ACCTTRANS Available in Transaction detail and expense by searching on a specific month and Account. All information is available including a drill down on Journal ID for additional information. Similar to the QU_GL_ACCTTRANS_YTD query this is dependent on whether it is a balance sheet or revenue and expense
QU_GL_PROJANNUALDETAIL Available in the Statement of Ops Research report. With drilldown on the Project to Date Actual
QU_GL_DEPTTRANS Similar to the QU_GL_DEPTTRANS_YTD this query allows you to select a specific period for the report to be run. This can be accomplished in the existing Transaction Details Revenue and Expense report
QU_GL_DEPTDETAIL Similar to QU_GL_DEPTTRANS report. With AP information. This would be available in the drilldown on the transaction detail revenue and expense
CTG_TRANSACTIONS_QUERY Clinical trials group developed this public query. The same information can be retrieved from the Statement of Operations - Research report and drilling down on the Month Actual Column
QU_GL_DEPTANNUALDETAIL Drill down on the AP journal for more detailed information
QU_GL_RSHPROJ_JOURNALDATE Missing department description order/filter by date
QU_GL_TRANS_DEPT_PROG_FUND Query contains period 0, 999 which are not included in this report. period 998 is included in period 12 in FAST
QU_GL_FUNDTRANS Filter on fund
QU_GL_DEPTTRANS_OPERATING Filter on fund 10000
QU_GL_CARRYFORWRD GL pivot department expendable or transaction detail balance sheet
QU_GL_FUNDDETAIL Drill down on AP journal for more information. (Report to resolve gap in development)
QU_GL_DEPTTRANS_QSB_PL Drill down on AP journal for more information. (Report to resolve gap in development)
QU_GL_DEPTTRANS_CRFW Period zero through 998 for income statement accounts, department expendable and drill down on carry forward mount to get the detail. Or if you want the income statement amount you can drill down on the revenue and expense accounts
QU_GL_85000DETAIL_YTD Irrelevant but link provided
QU_MAPPING_ACCOUNT_CODE   Not in FAST and not applicable currently
QU_GL_OPERID_SEARCH   Available on all reports
QU_GL_ACCTDEPTPROG_BALANCE Enter fund and department, sort by account and program
QU_GL_ACTPROJBALANCE Filter by account
QU_GL_DEPTANNUAL_VENDOR_DET Filter on vendor and fiscal year
QU_GL_INACTIVE_PROJ Project summary report will show project status for projects they legitimately have access to and filter on status within the report that particular report will not show closed projects i.e. Inactive and zero balance
QU_GL_INVOICEPAID Filter on fund department, period, and year (program, project and vendor may be optionally included)
QU_GL_INVOICERECORDED_BYPROJ Filter on department and in the fund, enter 30000 and 31000
QU_GL_JOURNAL_LINE   Currently a gap new report in development to meet this need. In the meantime run transaction detail and revenue and expense and filter on the ChartFields and drill down on the journal from there
QU_GL_PROJECT_LISTING   Limitations on description will prevent this report from being available possible gap being discussed information also exists in the project summary report
QU_AUD_GL_QUERY Filter on amounts
SF_GL_ACCTTRANS_YTD Filter on period and fund
QU_GL_CAPITALFUNDYTD Filter on fund code 40000 and account = 31% (currently broken in PeopleSoft)
BUDQU_GL_DEPTTRANS Filter by ChartFields
QU_GL_APJOURNAL_INQUIRY Drill down on AP journal ID or run the Accounts Payable department report and filter on journal ID
QU_GL_JOURNALBUDGETEXCEPTION   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Research Accounting
QU_AP_PAYCYCLE_ADVANCES1   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Accounts Payable
QU_AP_VOUCHERBUDGETEXCEPTION   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Research Accounting
SF_GL_ACCTTRANS_YTD_RECONCILE Full range of filters available (ChartFields, period, etc.)
QU_AP_UNPOSTED_VOUCHERS   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Accounts Payable
QU_CC_PROJ_BALANCES Filter on year and period
QU_GL_CARRYFORWRD_RANGE Enter your department and sort by department and program
QU_AP_VCHR_CNTLGRP   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Financial Services
QU_GL_INVOICERECORDED Enter in ChartField criteria
QU_AP_PREPAYMENT_LTR   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Accounts Payable
QU_GL_998   Not in FAST but in the list of reports to be developed
QU_GL_YREDNDDETAIL Filter on year and department
QU_GL_SOURCE_LISTING   Not currently a pinned report. Will be added in future
QU_AP_VOUCHER_ERROR   Not in FAST but only of interest to Accounts Payable
QU_GL_MONTHEND_CHECK   Not available in FAST but only of interest to General Accounting
QU_GL_CARRYFORWARD   Department expendable filter on fund department and period (query includes both expendable balances and non-expendable balances)
QU_GL_JOURNALBUDGETEXCEPTIONS   Not available in FAST but only of interest to Research Accounting
QU_AP_SAR_TRANS_DETAIL   Gap exists for this report, if required please forward request to Financial Services
QU_HR_ACCTG_LINE_BY_DEPTID Filter by department but will only show the specific projects the user has access to
QU_AP_SAR_TRANS   Not in FAST but only of interest to Student Financials
QU_GL_SF_JRNL_DET Not all information is presently available in FAST (Descr fields) but most information is there
QU_CC_REQBUD_EXCEPTION   Not in FAST but only of interest to Research Accounting
QU_GL_LTDTRANS_YTD Filter on ChartField criteria
QU_CC_PI_DEFICIT   Not in FAST but only of interest to Research Accounting