Remote Proctoring Solutions

Remote proctoring allows students to take an assessment at a remote location while ensuring the integrity of the exam. These systems require students to confirm their identity, and, during the exam, the system monitors students through video, audio and system changes, looking for behaviour that could indicate violations of academic integrity. In some cases, a human proctor monitors the student remotely.

Queen's offers two remote proctoring solutions: Examity and Proctortrack, both of which can be integrated with onQ. Note that while IT Services oversees and administers the technologies, the Office of the University Registrar's Exams Office remains responsible for scheduling and administering exams, while each Faculty will determine the most appropriate remote proctoring solution for any given course.

Consult the following link to learn more about each service, including general guidelines for online remote proctored exams, overviews and user guides for each system, FAQs, support contacts, and more.