On October 6th, 2020, Will Kymlicka, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy at Queen’s University, gave a talk as part of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences's Big Thinking on the Hill lecture series. Here is a description of Will's talk, "Perceptions of humanity and of membership: Two challenges of inclusion and exclusion in Canada":

"Various groups in Canada are stigmatized in ways that make them vulnerable to discrimination. In some cases, this takes the form of dehumanization: a perception that members of the group are somehow deficient in humanity, and hence not owed the universal human rights that arise from our common humanity. In other cases, members of a group may be seen as deficient in their commitment to Canada – as fully human, but not fully Canadian – and hence not deserving of the citizenship rights that attach to being a full member of society. This Big Thinking lecture will explore both forms of stigmatization, discuss their powerful effects, and identify the distinct challenges each raises to the Canadian model of diversity."


For info on the Big Thinking lecture series, . From the site: "Big Thinking is committed to bringing big ideas in the humanities and social sciences to new audiences - creating opportunities for researchers to challenge and inspire policy makers, citizens, academics, students and community members on the critical questions of our time. Big Thinking on the Hill's audience consists of MPs, senators, policymakers, and members of the public."