After retiring as the Professor of the Philosophy of Law at Oxford in 2021, Leslie Green has now retired as Professor of Law and Distinguished University Fellow at Queen鈥檚.

Professor Green is recognized as one of the world鈥檚 foremost legal philosophers in analytical jurisprudence, as well as in moral and political philosophy and human rights. Professor Green was an undergraduate at Queen鈥檚 and fondly remembers courses with Philosophy emeriti faculty Alistair Macleod and Al Fell. Graduating as Queen鈥檚 University鈥檚 political studies Medalist in 1978, he went on to hold the most prestigious research position in his field, the Professorship of the Philosophy of Law at Oxford University. Professor Green is also a highly regarded and beloved teacher and mentor. For the past decade, he has been returning to his alma mater for a term each year, teaching and furthering his research at Queen鈥檚 Law while holding a cross-appointment in Philosophy. Professor Green has recently completed a new book, The Germ of Justice, forthcoming in 2022 with Oxford University Press. To celebrate his exceptional career and scholarly achievements, Queen鈥檚 Law has now established .

Professor Green鈥檚 retirement is the subject of , in which Queen鈥檚 political and legal philosophers , Gr茅goire Webber, , and Jean Thomas comment on Professor Green鈥檚 tremendous impact on their careers and the state of legal and political philosophy. In the article, Professor Green himself comments: 鈥淨ueen鈥檚 has a number of younger legal theorists and it has been terrific to watch them make their marks and build connections. In terms of breadth in jurisprudence, Queen鈥檚 Law now has no rival in Canada.鈥

The Department of Philosophy has benefited enormously from the cross-appointment of Professor Green. Christine Sypnowich, Head of the Department, recalls meeting Professor Green when she arrived as a doctoral student in Oxford: "Les was already embarked on a successful academic career as a research fellow in Oxford and got in touch to offer support and friendship to a fellow Canadian. He was my mentor and friend ever after. We have been so fortunate to have a scholar and teacher of his talent and distinction as part of our philosophical community. We will miss his regular autumn sojourns in Kingston."

We wish Professor Green all the best! And we are happy indeed that he will continue to be engaged with Law and Philosophy at Queen鈥檚 during his retirement.