Recent PhD Kyle Johannsen has a new book, . The book was recently featured on , and is also the subject of an upcoming, , whose commentators include Nicolas Delon (New College of Florida), Bob Fischer (Texas State), Gary O鈥橞rien (Oxford), and Clare Palmer (Texas A&M).

See below for reviews of Wild Animal Ethics by Bob Fischer (Texas State), Jeff Sebo (NYU), and Jeff McMahan (Oxford).

'Attention to wild animal suffering may be the most important recent development in animal ethics. It threatens to reverse a host of common judgments in environmental advocacy, conservation biology, and philanthropic cause prioritization. Kyle Johannsen has done an admirable job explaining why it matters, why we ought to do something about it, and feasible strategies for helping. This is book is essential reading for anyone concerned about wild animals and our responsibilities to them.'

Bob FischerDepartment of Philosophy, Texas State University

'Wild Animal Ethics is an excellent book that makes a powerful case for reducing wild animal suffering. Johannsen convincingly shows that assisting wild animals should be a top moral and political priority whether we care about animal welfare, animal rights, or both. He also addresses a number of important issues ranging from the ethics of killing predators to the ethics of genetic modification. Every reader will benefit from engaging with the arguments in this book, and wild animals will benefit enormously if we accept the main conclusions.'

Jeff SeboAffiliated Professor of Bioethics, Medical Ethics, and Philosophy, New York University

'Much has been written about the appalling suffering that we inflict on animals through practices such as factory farming. But the suffering of animals in the wild is vastly more extensive. Wild Animal Ethics defends the claim that although we are not the cause of this pervasive suffering, we nevertheless have moral reasons to try to mitigate it. Johannsen鈥檚 arguments are neither na茂ve nor utopian. They make a convincing case for the importance of research into ways of intervening beneficently in the natural world, particularly through techniques of genetic modification that could gradually, and without harmful side effects, diminish predation and modes of reproduction that doom the vast majority of offspring to early, painful deaths. The suffering of animals in the wild is a serious moral issue, to which this book is a sensible, well-argued, and humane response.'

Jeff McMahanWhite鈥檚 Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford