Will Kymlicka has an article in . Most modern societies recognise two kinds of rights: “universal human rights” which we owe to all human beings by virtue of our shared humanity, and “membership rights” which we owe to our co-citizens. Many political philosophers are nervous about membership rights. But Will suggests there is something valuable about them and that they are a “fundamental feature of our ethical world”. The question, however, is how to articulate these rights and their ethical bases – a question to which contemporary political philosophy has been insufficiently responsive, on Will’s view.

Relating to his research regarding the ethics of membership, Will has been appointed, with Irene Bloemraad (Professor of Sociology at Berkeley), as co-director of a 5-year, $5 million program, "," under the aegis of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).

See Will's previous piece in The New Statesmen, "".