Malamet, Akiva

Akiva Malamet

M.A. Student


Arts and Science

People Directory Affiliation Category
Research Interests

Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Social Epistemology & Ontology, Philosophy of Social Science, Political Economy & Comparative Politics, Philosophy of Mind & Language

  • B.A in Government, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel)

Akiva is an M.A candidate in Philosophy at Queen鈥檚 University. He holds a B.A in Government from the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Israel). His research interests rest at various intersections of philosophy and our social worlds. His current research explores the ethics of immigration, the nature of agents, choice, institutions in economic and social theory, and the ethics and ontology of identity.

Akiva is a Catalyst Policy Fellow at the Independent Institute, and a Don Lavoie Fellow (Political Economy & Policy) at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. of the 2018 Carl Menger Undergraduate Essay Contest for his paper 鈥淪pontaneous Order as Social Construction鈥. His writing on philosophical and political issues has appeared in , and other publications.