Catherine Stinson

Catherine Stinson

Assistant Professor, Queen’s National Scholar in Philosophical Implications of Artificial Intelligence

Philosophy, School of Computing

613-533-6000 x74404

Watson Hall 403

People Directory Affiliation Category
  • BSc, University of Toronto
  • MSc, University of Toronto
  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Specializations / Research Interests 

Philosophy of Science, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Neuroscience and Psychiatry


c dot stinson at


I received my PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in History & Philosophy of Science, and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. I have published in philosophy of neuroscience (attention, mechanistic explanation), philosophy of psychiatry (anorexia, classification of disorders), philosophy of artificial intelligence (explanation in artificial neural networks, neo-phrenology), and tech policy (data governance, terms of service agreements, AI ethics education). My current research interests include algorithmic bias in recommendation and search, regulation of social media platforms, how diversity affects research, the metaphysics of scientific models, the medicalization of gender, and data science for anti-racist advocacy.

Recent Journal Articles
  • Stinson, C. (2020) . Philosophy of Science. 87(4), 590–611.
  • Stinson, C. (2019) . Synthese. 196(6), 2153-2176.
  • Stinson, C. (2016) . Synthese. 193(5), 1585- 1614. 
  • Piryankova, I.V., Wong, H.Y., Linkenauger, S., Stinson, C., Longo, M., Bülthoff, H.H., Mohler, B.J. (2014) . PLOS One 9(8): e103428.
  • Stinson, C. (2009) . PSYCHE 15(1): 137-154.
Policy Papers
  • . Future EDge, Issue 2. New South Wales Department of Education (September 2020)
  • . The Mowat Centre. (December 2018)
Chapters in Books
  • Stinson, C. (2018). Explanation and Connectionist Models. In The Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind, Eds. M. Colombo and M. Sprevak. 120–133.
  • Stinson, C. and Sullivan, J. (2017). Mechanistic Explanation in Neuroscience. In The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy, Eds. S. Glennan and P. Illari. 375–388.
  • Stinson, C. (2017). Back to the Cradle: Mechanism Schemata from Piaget to DNA. In Eppur si muove: Doing History and Philosophy of Science with Peter Machamer, Eds. M. Abrams, Z. Biener, U. Feest, J. Sullivan. Springer. 183–194.
Selected Public Philosophy and Op-Eds
  • Aeon (May 2020).
  • The Globe and Mail (July 6, 2018).
  • The Globe and Mail (March 25, 2018).
Recent Interviews
  • Sept 2020 interview on CBC Radio, .
  • June 2020 interview on ABC Radio, .
  • June 2020 interview in El Pais, .
  • June 2019 interview on CBC Radio, .