Professor Ken Clark

Ken Clark

Associate Professor, Graduate Chair

Faculty, Particle Astrophysics

Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy

McDonald Institute

Arts & Science

People Directory Affiliation Category
Graduate Opportunities

Prof. Clark has openings for new graduate students. Please contact him via email.

See Applicants for how to apply.

Research Interests

The unifying goal of my research is to understand the universe at the most fundamental level, an objective which is perhaps overly ambitious but certainly challenging. I currently am a collaborator on the PICO experiment which is located at SNOLAB and searching for dark matter. PICO currently leads the world in sensitivity to dark matter colliding with the proton in a spin-dependent interaction. I also work with the IceCube collaboration studying low-energy neutrinos at the South Pole and am particularly invested in the proposed PINGU sub-detector which will increase our sensitivity to potential dark matter interactions.