Jacob Ewaniuk

Jacob Ewaniuk

Ph.D. Candidate

Quantum Nanophotonics Lab

Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy

Jacob is currently exploring the design of Quantum Photonic Neural Networks for potential applications throughout the subfields of quantum information science. In general, he is fascinated by quantum mechanics and wishes to exploit its principles in the design of future technologies that yield positive impacts for society. Jacob is a driven, detail-oriented individual who wishes to one day aid in the growth of others through teaching.

BSc in Engineering Physics
Class of 2022

Favourite Animal: 惭辞苍办别测&苍产蝉辫;馃悞


A QD chirally-coupled to a waveguide with its forward direction to the right, 尾R 鈮 尾L, imparts a phase shift 螖蠁 on coherently-scattered photons but not to those with which it interacts incoherently (due to fast dephasing).

Abstract: Quantum photonic integrated circuits (qPICs), composed of linear-optical elements, offer an efficient way for encoding and processing quantum information on-chip. At their core, these circuits rely on reconfigurable phase shifters, typically constructed from classical components such as thermo- or electro-optical materials, while quantum solid-state emitters such as quantum dots are limited to acting as single-photon sources. Here, we demonstrate the potential of quantum dots as reconfigurable phase shifters. We use numerical models based on established literature parameters to show that circuits utilizing these emitters enable high-fidelity operation and are scalable. Despite the inherent imperfections associated with quantum dots, such as imperfect coupling, dephasing, or spectral diffusion, we show that circuits based on these emitters may be optimized such that these do not significantly impact the unitary infidelity. Specifically, they do not increase the infidelity by more than 0.001 in circuits with up to 10 modes, compared to those affected only by standard nanophotonic losses and routing errors. For example, we achieve fidelities of 0.9998 in quantum-dot-based circuits enacting controlled-phase and 鈥 not gates without any redundancies. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of quantum emitter-driven quantum information processing and pave the way for cryogenically-compatible, fast, and low-loss reconfigurable quantum photonic circuits.