photograph of John Harriss

John Harriss

Term Adjunct


Political Studies

MA (Cantab), PhD (UEA), FRCS

Term Adjunct

Research Interests

Politics of development; social democracy; civil society and citizenship; politics of India; and an interest now a bit historic in agrarian political economy

Brief Biography

I have a rather long history as an anthropologist with interests in political economy, and of working in departments of Development Studies, at the University of East Anglia, and the London School of Economics, in the UK, at the National University of Singapore, and in the School for International Studies at Simon Fraser University, where I am now Professor Emeritus. Long standing research interests in the society and politics of India, where I have lived for extended periods.

Selected Publications

2023 Liberty: the Indian Story. Delhi: Speaking Tiger (forthcoming)

2022, 'Why was the pandemic poorly managed by the Government of India? A State-in-Society Approach', Pacific Affairs, 95(4): 707-729

2020 India: Continuity and Change in the 21st Century. Cambridge: Polity (with Craig Jeffrey and Trent Brown)