Kathy Brock

Kathy Brock

Professor and Senior Fellow, MPA Program Director


PhD (Toronto)

Political Studies & School of Policy Studies

Canadian Politics, Gender and Politics

Professor | Cross-Appointed


(613) 533-6486

Robert Sutherland Hall, 314

People Directory Affiliation Category

Kathy Brock Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

public policy and the voluntary sector; Canadian government and politics; the constitution and the judiciary; federalism; aboriginal self-government; public law; women and politics; governing institutions

Brief Biography

Dr. Kathy L. Brock is a Professor, at the School of Policy Studies and cross-appointed to the Department of Political Studies, Queen鈥檚 University, current Past-President of the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration, and past National Research Chair for the Institute of Programs in Public Administration.

She has published books, academic articles, and reports on nonprofit and voluntary organizations, Canadian and comparative politics and government, federalism and constitutional matters, and Aboriginal governance and issues. She is currently working on a manuscript on the operation of the Canadian federal system, and articles on the views of DMs and CAOs regarding the current state of the public service medically assisted dying (suicide) policy, public sector ethics, Aboriginal policy, and Indigenous governance. She has commenced a new study called 鈥淩iding the Trump-Trudeau Wave鈥.

Active in public affairs, she has served as a nonpartisan advisor to the federal. provincial and territorial governments, political parties, an Aboriginal organization, nonprofit organizations, and on a number of national and local boards, including her current work with the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration, Research Committee of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, and Board member of the Limestone Learning Foundation. She is a frequent commentator in the national and local media on Canadian public affairs.

A dedicated professor, she received the 2008 Pierre De Celles IPAC Award for Teaching Excellence in Public Administration and the 2009 Frank Knox Award (Queen鈥檚 University) for Teaching Excellence (Queen鈥檚).