"Survey Research on Race in Canadian Politics: A Work in Progress"


Thursday September 21, 2023
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


CORA and the Department of Political Studies are pleased to host:

Erin Tolley - Carleton University

"Survey Research on Race in Canadian Politics: A Work in Progress" 

Photograph of Erin Tolley

Thursday, September 21, 2023 

2:30-3:30 PM

Robert Sutherland Hall | Room 334

Light refreshments served


Researchers increasingly recognize the need for more racially disaggregated research and data, but the infrastructure for conducting this research in Canada remains under-developed, especially in politics. This talk will provide insights from two works in progress. First, I will discuss the mechanics of a collaborative project with Operation Black Vote Canada and provide early findings from a survey we conducted with Black Canadian candidates and officeholders. Second, I will introduce new work with Dr. Fan Lu and Dr. Debra Thompson, which aims to understand and improve measures of racial identity in survey research on politics. The talk will make a case not just for more research on race but better tools for doing that work.


Dr. Erin Tolley is the Canada Research Chair in Gender, Race and Inclusive Politics and an associate professor of political science at Carleton University. She is the author of the award-winning book, Framed: Media and the Coverage of Race in Canadian Politics, and received her PhD in Political Studies from Queen’s University.