Search & Recruitment Services for Non-Executive Professionals

Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) #Q-2023-021-SR

Three years with an expiry date August 31, 2026.

No extensions are available for this opportunity.

Five suppliers have qualified under this Vendor of Record (VOR) program:

  • Altis Recruitment & Technology Inc.
  • Griffith Group Executive Search
  • HR Associates Inc.
  • Ketchum Canada (2002) Inc. (KCI)
  • Quantum Management Services Ltd.

Shelley Rizzo, Procurement Specialist or phone: (613) 533-2626 | internal ext. 32626

Prior to engaging a Recruitment Agency, the Buyer should reach out to Human Resources (HR) at to ensure hiring an outside the agency is appropriate for the role. Strategic Procurement Services will be double checking to ensure this step has been completed before issuing a purchase order.

When using this service, contact one (or more) of the VORs listed below.  A VOR representative will discuss your requirements and timelines for the recruitment with you.  A quote (labelled letter of engagement) will be provided to confirm pricing, deliverables and payment schedule.  Regardless of the value, all engagements with the VORs must be placed on a purchase order via acQuire with quote attached.  Engagements are not to commence until a Purchase Order (PO) has been issued to the VOR. A guide is available to assist with confirmation of rates and terms for each supplier on the VOR. For a copy of the guide, email the Strategic Procurement Contact listed above.

Value - CAD*, not including applicable taxes Minimum # of VOR quotes required
$0 - $74,999.99 1
$75,000 - $149,999.99 2
$150,000 - $299,999.99 All VORs (3)
Greater than $300,000 Conduct open competitive procurement

*CAD - Canadian dollars

To view all the details of this contract, please visit the Queen’s .

Additional Program Details

This VOR should be used when assistance is needed for recruiting for the following types of roles within the salary grades of eight to fourteen. See note under 'Thresholds' for more information about contacting HR prior to using an agency.

  • Finance Manager
  • Information Security Specialist
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Indigenous Curriculum Developer
  • Psychologist
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Director, Human Resources
  • Associate Director, Gift Planning
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Many other positions not listed (in the salary grade range)

If the VORs are unable to provide recruitment services to you due to the nature of the position you are recruiting for, solicit quotes from alternate sources. Once an alternate supplier has been chosen, an exception request should be issued to Strategic Procurement Services. As part of the request, include sign off from Human Resources (contact: Paul Kerekes, email: or extension 78345) and the Human Rights & Equity Office (contact: email:  in order for your exception to be granted.

Note, as part of the procurement process for this service, all VORs were required to show how they meet the university’s commitment to I-EDIAA (Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Accessibility and Anti-Racism).

Altis Recruitment & Technology Inc.

102 Bank Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1P 5N4

Alyssia Tassone | email: | phone: (647) 578-1522

Quantum Management Services Limited

55 University Avenue, Suite 608
Toronto, ON M5J 2H7

Michael Rattner, Vice President, QTR | email: | phone: (416) 601-5515 (IT ROLES)

Lori-Lynn Wright, Director | email: | phone: (416) 940.2871 (NON-IT ROLES)

Requests can also be sent to

HR Associates

302 The East Mall, Suite 600
Etobicoke, ON M9B 6C7

Sandra Fagundes, Senior Manager | email: | phone: (416) 237-1500 ext. 223

Ketchum Canada (2002) Inc. (KCI)

214 King Street West, Suite 402
Toronto, ON M5H 3S6

Tara George, Partner/Lead, Search & Talent | email: | phone: (416) 340-9710 ext. 1013

Griffith Group Executive Search

2255B Queen Street East, Suite 371, Toronto, ON M4E 1G3

Contact: Jane Griffith, Manager Partner and Founder | email: | phone: (416) 508-5353