Search & Recruitment Services for Senior Executives

Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) #Q-2022-015-SR

Term: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025

No extension available

Five vendors qualified under Q-2022-015-SR:

  • Boyden
  • Griffith Group Executive Search
  • Ketchum Canada (2002) Inc (KCI)
  • Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette
  • Odgers Berndtson Canada, Inc.

Shelley Rizzo, Procurement Specialist or phone: (613) 533-2626 | internal ext. 32626

To utilize this service, contact one of the VORs listed below.  A VOR representative will discuss with you, your requirements and timelines for the recruitment.  A quote (labelled letter of engagement) will be provided to confirm pricing, deliverables and payment schedule.  All engagements with the VORs must be placed on a purchase order via acQuire with quote attached regardless of the value.  Engagements are not to commence until a Purchase Order (PO) has been issued to the VOR.

Value - CAD*, not including applicable taxes Minimum # of VOR quotes required
$0 - $74,999.99 1
$75,000 - $149,999.99 2
$150,000 - $299,999.99 All VORs (3)
Greater than $300,000 Conduct open competitive procurement

*CAD - Canadian dollars

To view all the details of this contract, please visit the Queen’s .

Additional Program Details

This VOR can be used for recruitment of the following senior executive roles:

  • Principal
  • Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)
  • Vice-Principals
  • Deputy and Vice-Provosts
  • Associate Vice-Principals
  • Deans
  • Other senior management positions of University Secretariat, University Counsel, University Ombudsperson, etc.

If the VORs are unable to provide recruitment services to you due to the nature of the position you are recruiting for, once an alternate supplier has been chosen, an exception request will need to be made to Strategic Procurement and prior sign off from the Human Rights & Equity Office (contact: email: will need to be obtained in order for your exception to be granted.

Note, as part of the procurement process for this service, all VORs were required to meet the university’s commitment regarding Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Anti-racism (I-EDIAA) in their recruitment processes.


979 Bank Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, ON K1S 5K5
Michael Naufal, Managing Partner | | phone: (613) 742-3198
Nick Chambers, Partner | email:

Griffith Group Executive Search

2255B Queen Street East, Suite 371, Toronto, ON M4E 1G3

Contact: Jane Griffith, Manager Partner and Founder

Phone: (416) 508-5353

Ketchum Canada (2002) Inc. (KCI)

214 King Street West, Suite 402
Toronto, ON M5H 3S6
Tara George, Partner/Lead, Search & Talent | email: | phone: (416) 340-9710 ext. 1013


Barrington Tower, 10th Floor
1894 Barrington Street,
Halifax, NS B3J 2A8
Andrea Forbes-Hurley, Managing Partner | email: | phone: (902) 425-0101 

Odgers Berndtson Canada Inc.

200 Bay Street, Suite 3150
Toronto, ON M5J 2J3
Colleen Keenan, Partner & Co-Head, Academic Practice | email:
Gerri Woodford, Partner & Co-Head, Academic Practice | email: