Printed Materials & Print-Related Services

Request for Supplier Qualifications (RFSQ) #Q-2020-058-SY

Three years with expiry date of February 28, 2024.

Option to extend for an additional period of two years (March 1, 2024 - February 28, 2026).

  • Gilmore Printing Services Inc.
  • Lowe-Martin Group

Christine Wight, Buyer & Procurement Analyst
or phone: (613) 533-2236 | internal ext. 32236

Value - CAD*, not including applicable taxes Minimum # of VOR quotes required
$0 - $9,999.99 No quote required1
$10,000 - $49,999.99 1
$50,000 - $99,999.99 2
>=$100,000 Conduct open competitive procurement

*CAD - Canadian dollars

Although a quote is not required, Strategic Procurement Services strongly suggest that you obtain a quote to confirm price and expected delivery/service.

Gilmore Printing

Scott Love
110 Herzberg Road, Ottawa ON K2K 3B7
Tel. 1-800-795-6661 | Cell 613-868-4288 |

The Lowe-Martin Group

Stephane Levesque
400 Hunt Club Road, Ottawa ON K1V 1C1
Tel. 613-741-0962 Ext. 2251 |