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    Mohammad Zulkernine

    Mohammad Zulkernine

    Developing methods and tools to build and monitor dependable, secure software systems: this research will lead to techniques for detecting software failures and security violations while programs are running.

    [Dr. Mohammad Zulkernine]
    Former Canada Research Chair in Software Dependability
    Tier 2

    Software You Can Depend On

    Software systems now permeate almost every aspect of our daily lives, making their dependability far more crucial than ever before. Software dependability is also a prerequisite for making digital information more useful and trustworthy. Since software failures and security breaches take place virtually daily, it has become vitally important to design and implement software systems with as much security and reliability as possible.

    Dr. Mohammad Zulkernine, Canada Research Chair in Software Dependability, is investigating a variety of methods and tools for the building of reliable and secure software systems. He is addressing reliability and security issues in the various stages of software development.

    By addressing security and reliability issues early on, the new methods and tools Zulkernine is developing will play an important preventive role in improving the security and reliability of software.

    In addition, since faults and security loopholes are often not discovered until software is operational, Zulkernine’s research will investigate automatic techniques that will detect intrusions and failures of software systems while they are running.

    Zulkernine’s research will lead to the design of automatic tools and techniques that will help deliver end-to-end secure and reliable software applications for government, healthcare, financial, and manufacturing industries. By doing so, his research will benefit our daily lives and all levels of our economy.