Procedure for Disposal of Scrap/Surplus Moveable University Assets

Contact Officer:  Director, Strategic Procurement Services


The purpose of this procedure is to describe the process for the disposal of scrap/surplus Moveable Assets.


Included in Moveable Assets are materials, furniture and equipment items surplus to one department that may be useful to another University department or may be saleable outside the University.

Strategic Procurement Services is responsible for the sale or disposal of surplus/scrap moveable University assets.

The authorization of the Department Head is required on all requests for the disposal of any University Moveable Assets.

Disposal of equipment that is jointly owned by 2 or more departments requires the approval of the head of each department involved.

Disposal of scrap/surplus Moveable Assets:


Responsible Officer/Section Process
Department or Organizational Unit

Step 1 - Prepare an internal memorandum with the following information:

  • Quantity?
  • Description (make, model, manufacturer, size, type, part number, serial number, application)
  • Inventory number(s), if available
  • Location and contact person


Note: This may be done by email or FAX, provided it is clear that the department head(s) have granted approval.


Step 2- Forward the memorandum requesting the asset sale/disposal, signed by the department head, to the Director of Strategic Procurement Services.

Note: Should a department wish to salvage useful components from surplus equipment; such components are to be removed before the request for asset disposal is submitted to Strategic Procurement Services.


Strategic Procurement Services

Step 3 - Strategic Procurement Services will arrange for the transfer of any item which is useful to another department. If there is no requirement within the University, Strategic Procurement Services will arrange for the external sale or disposal of the item.


Step 4 - Revenue obtained from the transfer or sale of a surplus item is credited to the department requesting the disposal, normally to the account from which the original purchase was made.


Step 5 - Costs incurred in the disposal of a scrap item, such as obsolete heavy equipment, are charged to the department requesting the disposal.


Step 6 - Surplus furniture is not advertised for sale, but is removed from the department for disposal or reuse at no cost. Items selected for reuse are stored in the Surplus Furniture Warehouse until needed by a University department. This process is managed by the , and all communications relating to surplus furniture should be directed to this department.

Date Approved: January 12, 2015

Approval Authority:Vice-Principals' Operations Committee

Date of Commencement:January 2015

Amendment Dates:

Date for Next Review:

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