Non-member Participation at Senate and Senate Committee Meetings

Final Approval Body: Senate
Senior Administrative Position with Responsibility for Policy: University Secretary
Date Initially Approved: 1995
Date of Last Revision: 4/18/24


Visitor - A person requesting and receiving permission through the Secretariat to attend a specific meeting. The Secretariat may establish whatever policies it deems necessary to accommodate any possible logistic difficulties created by visitor requests. Visitors may neither vote nor speak.

Guest - A person who successfully seeks permission or is invited by the Chair of Senate or the Chair of a Senate Committee to attend single or multiple meetings or on a regular basis. Members of the Senate Committees who are not currently Senators may attend, as a Guest, meetings of the Senate at which the business of the Committee is on the agenda.  Guests may speak but not vote.

Observer - A person to be appointed by another body to attend meetings regularly for information and to report back to that body. Observers may not vote but may speak upon invitation from the Chair.


This policy establishes provisions for non-members of Senate to attend and participate in meetings of Senate and/or Senate committees as visitors, guests, or observers. These provisions are established for the effectiveness of the university鈥檚 governance processes and for the order of Senate or Senate committee sessions, debate, and decision-making processes.


This policy applies to all individuals who are not senators but wish to attend a meeting of Senate or of a Senate committee.

Policy Statement

Queen鈥檚 Senate values the inclusive participation of the entire Queen鈥檚 community and is committed to hearing and engaging in meaningful discussions. As such, Senate recognizes the need to hear from non-members and diverse campus groups, including equity-deserving groups and vulnerable communities, who desire the opportunity to address the Senate and/or Senate committees.

Rules of Attendance

At the Chair鈥檚 discretion, a number of places will be reserved for non-members to attend meetings, whether virtually or in-person, of Senate and/or Senate committees. Bodies wishing to obtain observer status on the Senate or on a Senate committee are to apply through the Secretariat to the Chair of the Senate or Senate committee. The Chair of the Senate or Senate committee has the authority to grant observer status, for a limited time or indefinitely, until revoked.

a) Normally it is expected that any body approved to have observer status would name a particular person to serve as an observer for the full Senate or Senate committee session.

b) The University Secretariat will be informed of the name of the person who will be serving as observer for any body for which observer status has been approved.

c) The named observer will receive notice of all meetings and all documentation (i.e., agendas, minutes, and reports), save that which is confidential.

Non-members may not attend closed meetings or closed portions of meetings unless explicitly invited by the relevant chair, or through provisions included in an applicable collective agreement.

Agendas and Minutes

The Chair will note guests at the appropriate point in the agenda. The Chair is expected to introduce such individuals to committee members, make clear the status of such individuals and any expectations regarding their speaking privileges, and should control the meeting such that the meeting's agenda does not become driven by non-committee members.

The minutes of all meetings are to indicate the presence of guests or observers, and their status at the meeting.


University Secretariat:  Receive and review requests for a non-member who wishes to attend Senate meetings.


Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines: Senate Rules of Procedure
Policies Superseded by this Policy: n/a
Responsible Officer: University Secretary
Contact: University Secretariat
Date for Next Review: 2028