Probationary Period Policy

Category: Human Resources


Responsibility: Associate Vice-Principal (Human Resources)

Date initially approved:

Date of last revision: February 1994


General Staff: all non-unionized employees in positions that fall within grades 2-9.

Queen鈥檚 Management and Professional Group (QMPG): all employees in positions that fall within grades 10 to 14.

Research Grant and Contract (RG&C): all non-unionized employees in positions that fall within grades 2-9 that are funded through external research grants, contracts and University trust funds.

Purpose/Reason for Policy:

The purpose of the probationary period is to give Managers time to adequately assess a new employee鈥檚 performance and suitability to the role and to allow the employee an opportunity to adjust to their new position at the University.

Scope of this Policy:

All general staff, QMPG and RG&C employees.

Policy Statement:

Upon being hired by the University, all new general staff, RG&C, and QMPG employees will normally serve a probationary period. The purpose of the probationary period is to give the University time to adequately assess a new employee's performance and suitability to the job and to allow the employee an opportunity to adjust to their first position at the University. Reasonable effort will be made to assist new employees in meeting performance expectations; however, in some cases the employee鈥檚 performance may be deemed unsuitable. In these circumstances the employee may be terminated during the probationary period without cause. Human Resources must be consulted in any case where an employee's performance is unsatisfactory and termination is being considered.

The length of the probationary period is normally 6 months and may be shorter or longer depending on the nature of the position and the qualifications of the incumbent. The length of the probationary period will be stated in the employment contract.


During the probationary period, both the Manager and employee must devote focused attention and effort to ensure that the responsibilities of the position are being learned, and that the employee is progressing at a satisfactory rate. The probationary period should include a sufficient amount of time dedicated to performance review discussions between the Manager and the employee to adequately discuss and document the employee's progress.

Management Responsibilities

In the event that problems or concerns arise during this period, reasonable efforts must be made to discuss and resolve them promptly.

The Manager is responsible for documenting any problems and whether or not they were resolved and to ensure that the employee is provided with a copy of the documentation.

Under certain circumstances, the probationary period may be extended by the Manager.

Employee Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the employee to bring forward any concerns in a timely manner directly to their Manager.

Human Resources Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Advisor to provide guidance, education, and assistance to Managers and employees with respect to their respective responsibilities during the probationary period. The Human Resources Advisor will also ensure the length of the probationary period is outlined within the employment contract.

Contact Officer Director, Client Services and Organizational Development & Learning
Date for Next Review 2021
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines Probationary Period Procedure and Probationary Period Guideline, Orientation Toolkit
Policies Superseded by This Policy