Find the status of your grant

If you have been awarded a grant but your research project account is not yet created, it is likely because the TRAQ DSS is missing information in order to release the funds. Research administrators use Milestone Reminders to inform Researchers of missing documents or pending certifications (i.e. Waiting for funding approval, certifications, budget and signing authority forms).  The list below provides some examples of Pending Milestones and can be viewed under the Reminders Tab.

"Sample of a TRAQ (Tools for Research at Queen’s) Reminders"

  1. Waiting for Funding Decision
    • A Notice of Award / Authorization for Funding Letter can be added by submitting an Event – Amendment Form in the appropriate TRAQ DSS or send via email to a Research Facilitator.
  2. Waiting for Certifications
    • This Milestone will be listed as pending if you have indicated when completing the TRAQ DSS that certifications are required (such as Human Ethics).  It is your responsibility to inform the Research Facilitator once the required certification (s) are approved and active.  Funds will not be released until all certification requirements (Human Ethics, Biohazard, -Animal Care Certifications or Cannabis License) are met.
    • To add / link Human Ethics and Biohazard Certifications to your TRAQ DSS
      • If you do not have any active certifications yet, Click Add New under related certifications to make note of HSREB/GREB/CTO/OCREB certifications submitted or your intention to submit these to review committees.
      • If you have already submitted your application for required certifications, or already have active certifications, click on ‘Search’ to bring up a list of your pending active certifications.  Click on select next to the certifications(s) you need to link to your TRAQ DSS Form.
    • To add animal care certifications
      • Since animal care is not one of the TRAQ modules (researchers apply for Animal Care through TOPAZ), your Animal Care Certification cannot be directly linked to your TRAQ Awards File. 
      • From the project Info tab, click ‘Add New’ under Related Certifications.  Select ‘Animal Care’ from the ‘Certification Category’ drop down menu, and not the status and TOPAZ file number of your Animal Care Certification in the ‘Notes’ textbox.
    • Cannabis License
      • All Queen’s researchers that are conducting research with cannabis will need to obtain approval from the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) prior to the initiation of cannabis research activities. Please refer to the for more details or contact EH&S directly if you will not be working with human participants.
      • If human participants will be given cannabis for research purposes, you must submit a for the purpose of conducting a clinical trial. You will also need to apply for a . 
        • Please note that ethics clearance and a No Objection Letter (NOL) from Health Canada are required to obtain a research license. 
      • Additional information:  Cannabis Information Sheet For Researchers (PDF 100 KB)

        The Cannabis License can be added by submitting an Event – Amendment Form in the appropriate TRAQ DSS or send via email to a Research Facilitator.

        Note: Researchers may apply for a portion of funds be released prior to certifications in place.  See Early Release of Funds prior to certification 
    • Waiting for COI forms (Conflict of Interest)
      US Federal Awards including (National Institutes of Health (NIH), PHS and HHS) require that all award holders and applicants disclose Significant Financial Interest (SFI) on a yearly basis ().  As noted , SFIs must be disclosed to the Institutional Designated Official(s) by the time an application is submitted to NIH for funding, within thirty (30) days of discovering or acquiring a SFI and on an annual basis at intervals determined by Queen’s. The initial disclosure must include all SFIs in the 12 months preceding the application to the agency. New Queen’s researchers applying for and / or receiving funding from the agency must make the initial disclosure and ongoing disclosures noted above.

      Queen’s Researchers will be sent an email with directions on how to complete the FCOI forms and training certificate.  Until these forms are complete the Milestone – Waiting for COI will stay as pending under reminders, in the TRAQ DSS file.  Funds will not be released until the Conflict of Interest forms are returned and reviewed for potential, perceived or actual conflicts.

    • Waiting for Budget and Signing Authority Forms
      Research Accounting requires updated budget and signing authority forms prior to creating a project and will send instructions on how and when to upload these documents.  These can be submitted via an Event – Research Accounting Form.  Once these forms are received by Research Accounting, they will aim to have a People Soft Project set up within 10 business days.