How to Request an Amendment for your Project

Projects don’t always proceed as initially planned.  In most cases, the funding agency and/or partner will require written / prior approval before making changes to a grant/agreement.  
Some amendment examples include: 

  • an extension of the end date (no cost extension), 
  • additional funding received (If the amendment leads to changes to the budget a new Event - Research Accounting Form, including a revised budget will be required),
  • a change of PI, 
  • the addition and/or change of a co-applicant or collaborator, 
  • terminating a grant/agreement (due to a retirement or leave),
  • transferring a grant to a new institution,
  • change of intern,
  • or a significant change or project scope.  

For a Funding Agency Grant please follow these instructions (This does not apply to Strategic Institutional Programs):

  • Review your Notice of award (funding agency guidelines) to determine what is required to initiate the change.  Tri-agency grants for example, will require the completion of a .  
  • Complete the appropriate forms (i.e. Grant Amendment Form)
  • In the case that a form requires an Institutional signature or an accompanying financial form (F300 or F303 Outstanding Commitment forms) please contact your Research Facilitator to assist.
  • Please notify the funding agency (for grants outside Strategic Institutional Programs and the Tri-agencies) as soon as possible when an amendment is required and cc your Research Facilitator in the communications.   
  • Note: URS will send the Grant Amendment Form to the Tri-agencies on your behalf and will cc you in the communications.
  • In order for Queen’s to amend a funding agency grant formal funding agency approval will be required. Please submit requests to the funding agency well in advance.  
  • If your project includes a partner organization, any associated agreements may require amendment as well. Please contact Research Legal Services with any questions.
  • Once the funding agency has approved the amendment request; please create an Event using the Amendment Form in the appropriate TRAQ DSS and upload the supporting documentation. 
  • Go to Section B. How to Submit a TRAQ DSS Event – Amendment Instructions

For Agreements and other Grants (for grants outside Strategic Institutional Programs)

  • Review your agreement/grant to determine the procedure that is required to initiate the desired change. Research Legal Services is available to assist you with this step. 
  • Based upon the procedure outlined in the agreement/grant, please initiate the amendment request as soon as possible.  If you are corresponding directly with a partner organization/funder, please cc: Research Legal Services. 
  • Note: In order for Queen’s to amend an agreement/ grant, written approval will be required. 
  • Once the partner organization/funder has approved the amendment request; please create an Event using the Amendment Form in the appropriate TRAQ DSS and upload the supporting documentation. 
  • Go to Section B. How to Submit a TRAQ DSS Event – Amendment Instructions

If the Partner Organization / Funder sends an amendment directly to you

If the Partner Organization / Funder sends an amendment directly to the University

  1. Log into TRAQ Researcher Portal Sign On
    • Click on Applications Post Review
    • Click the Events button to the left of the file no.
    • Under Create New Event, click on the Amendment Form
    • Complete the form by answering the required questions
    • Add any attachments, if applicable
    • Click Save
    • Submit
  2. Once the event form has been submitted, it will move down to Events Under Review. For more detail on submitting the Awards Form in TRAQ If you have any troubles with submitting this event please contact the TRAQ helpdesk.

  1. Your Event-Amendment will be reviewed by a research facilitator or reviewer.  They will review the amendment, make any necessary changes to the amendment and obtain signatures if necessary.  They will also make all appropriate changes/updates in the TRAQ DSS and will act as a facilitator between the internal Queen’s departments to initiate the change (i.e. Notifying Research Accounting).  It may take up to 10 business days for you to notice the change in FAST in the case of a project extension or additional funding.
  2. It is important to note that if this change impacts your certifications, a separate amendment in the Certification module will be required.  It is your responsibility to ensure that all applicable certifications are kept up to date.  If applicable certifications are not up to date and/or in place, the completion of your amendment may be delayed.  If you have questions regarding certifications, please contact the appropriate department (i.e. HSREB, GREB, Biohazard, Animal Care).