Transfer Tri-agency Grant Funds to a Co-investigator or Collaborator at another Institution

The Transfer of Funds letter is used when the secondary administering institution will receive and administer grant funds on behalf of the agency and the grant recipient.  The co-investigator or collaborator must be listed on the grant application or be added to the grant in order to Transfer Funds.

**Note: Eligibility of transfers to collaborators will depend on the terms and conditions of the grant. NSERC and SSHRC permit the transfer of grant funds to .

The Transfer of funds is not used to pay honorariums, gift, consulting fees or fee for service type work.  View guidance on payments to individuals 

Non Tri-agency transfers: the Research Contracts Unit will draft the agreement.  Please create an Event using the Agreement / Review form.

To initiate a transfer of funds request on a Tri-Agency grant, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the TRAQ Researcher Portal
  2. Click on Applications: Post Review
  3. Click on the Events button to the left of the file no
  4. Under Create New Event, click on Transfer of Funds and the event form will open
  5. Answer the six questions on the Transfer of Funds tab
    • Please create a transfer letter to send funds to the following project team member.  Please provide first name, last name and role in the project
    • Institution name
    • Contact information for the external institution – Research services office. Please provide detailed physical address with postal code
    • Installment period.  Please indicate dates of installment period, e.g. May 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020
    • Amount to be transferred out
    • Please provide a brief summary of Statement of work and budget
  6. Add any attachments, if applicable
  7. Click Save, Submit, Type a comment and Submit
  8. A Research Facilitator (RF) will claim your Transfer Out Event
  9. The RF will create Queen’s template transfer of funds letter, then email it to you with instructions to sign and email back to RF.
  10. RF will email the partially signed letter to the research office of the co-investigator’s Institution with instructions to sign and email back to the RF.
  11. When the RF receives the fully signed letter back from the other Institution, they will save the fully signed letter in your TRAQ file and will email you instructions to proceed via the acQuire system.

If you have any questions, please contact your Post Award Research Facilitator