Quality Initiative Screening Tool & Seeking PhD Candidate to serve on GREB for 3-year Term

The Office of Research Ethics Compliance is writing to let you know we have a new ‘Quality Initiative Screening Tool’ that is available for use when you log into TRAQ for both HSREB and GREB. The Screening Tool can be completed to determine if your project is considered research or Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement or Program Evaluation (QA/QI/PE) per the .  QA/QI/PE studies are projects undertaken to assess the performance of a program, organization, group, faculty, or department. QA/QI/PE projects are conducted internally and for operational and/or administrative purposes. Projects that qualify as QA/QI/PE can be granted a formal exemption via email to seek REB review in TRAQ.

Additionally, GREB is looking to recruit a new PhD candidate to volunteer to join the Board for a 3-year term starting in September 2021. This is not a paid position. If you are interested in applying for this position, email your cover letter outlining why you think you would be a good fit for GREB, as well as a copy of your resume to the Manager of Research Ethics by June 7, 2021. We will be conducting interviews in the summer of 2021. 

If you have any questions or would like additional details about the information in the communication bulletin, contact Kelly Blair-Matuk,  kelly.blair-matuk@queensu.ca