Insight Development Grant

Full details about the Insight Development Grant competition and access to the application form can be found on the .

Competition Timeline:

Applicants are encouraged to check with their Department / Faculty for any additional deadlines.

December 1, 2023

Research Services Notice of Intent (NOI) Deadline

Please provide a brief summary of your proposed project (max 200 words). Research Services confirms applicant eligibility at this stage, and compiles an email distribution list to communicate directly with applicants.

January 4, 2024

Research Services Full Review Deadline: 

Applicants requesting an OPTIONAL full review of their application by Research Services are asked to provide their application to Research Services no later than January 4.

January 19, 2024

Research Services Administrative Review Deadline: 

Completed Insight Development Grant applications are to be submitted to Research Services electronically via the SSHRC online system for MANDATORY administrative review. Research Services will return the application to the applicant for final editing following review.

TRAQ Submission Deadline

Applicants are advised to submit their TRAQ DDS form by this date for Department / Faculty approval (instructions). An approved TRAQ entry is required by Research Services before the application can be submitted to SSHRC.

February 1, 2024

SSHRC Insight Development Grant Deadline: 

鈥婣ll applications must be received by SSHRC. Applications are forwarded electronically to SSHRC by Research Services.

澳门六合彩开奖现场 Research Services' Insight Development Grant Boot Camps

This virtual two-part boot camp will introduce researchers to best practices for SSHRC Insight Development Grant applications. Research Projects Advisors Diane Davies and Adrian Kelly will guide researchers through key application components using examples from successful applications. Participants may attend one or both sessions.


Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 10:00-11:00AM ET


  • Introduction to the Insight Development Grants (IDG)
  • Compelling Project Summaries & Detailed Descriptions
  • Creative Knowledge Mobilization Plans

View the slides and recording

Session 2

Thursday, November 30, 2023, 10:00-11:00AM ET


  • Student Training Plans
  • Effective Budgets & Budget Justifications
  • Timelines

View the slides and recording

SSHRC Insight Development Grant Webinar (English) - Dec. 7, 2023

** Queen's NetID required for access the slides.

Canadian Common CV Resources

A Canadian Common CV is required as part of the IDG application.

Contact Information

SSHRC Insight Development Grant Program: TRAQ Help Desk: Research Services:


Helpdesk Web Form

613-533-6000 ext. 78426

Other SSHRC Funding Programs

See SSHRC's .