Brian Amsden

Brian Amsden

Associate Vice-Principal Research


355 King St. West

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For scheduling please contact Jezina Carreiro

Dr. Brian Amsden will begin a five-year term on November 1, 2023, as Associate Vice-Principal Research, with a focus on the natural sciences and engineering. Dr. Amsden will contribute to the strategic vision and development of research initiatives university wide, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Working closely with Faculties, he will provide institutional leadership for the coordination and attraction of resources and partnerships to enhance Queen鈥檚 natural sciences and engineering research strategies and profile. Additionally, Dr. Amsden will serve as Queen鈥檚 NSERC Leader.
Dr. Amsden is a Professor and the former Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering. He joined Queen鈥檚 in 2000 as an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering, and since joining has built strong research connections within Queen鈥檚 and externally, as well as industry. Since joining Queen鈥檚, Dr. Amsden has run a collaborative research program, building connections with researchers in the Departments of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Surgery and various departments in Smith Engineering. He has also collaborated with researchers at other Canadian universities as part of an NSERC CREATE program he established and directed, as well as with researchers in New Zealand, Germany, and the United States. The CREATE program involved several industrial partners with whom he coordinated graduate student internships. He has received funding from several sources, including NSERC, CIHR, the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the CFI Leaders Opportunity Fund and the Ontario Centres of Excellence. Dr. Amsden has been engaged in graduate programing in Biomedical Engineering as a co-developer of a collaborative graduate program across several departments in Smith Engineering. He has worked in a start-up company and has experience with the commercialization of his own research as well as the intellectual property of several Canadian start-up companies through consulting activities.