Prize for Excellence in Research for Outstanding Emerging Researchers Recipients

These prizes are intended to reward major contributions -- either completed in recent years or recognized in recent years -- for their significant impact and performed, in the main, while the scholar has been at Queen鈥檚. The prizes may be awarded to persons in any of the fields or disciplines in which research is carried out at Queen's.

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Alyson Mahar School of Nursing
Dr. Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh Chemistry
Dr. Ali Etemad  Electrical and Computer Engineering

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Jennifer Tomasone Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Dr. Cao Thang Dinh Chemical Engineering
Dr. Chantelle Capiciotti Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Chemistry, and Surgery

Read more about these award winners 

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Michael Cunningham Chemical Engineering & Chemistry
Dr. Gabor Fichtinger School of Computing (cross-appointed to MME, ECE, Surgery, and Pathology and Molecular Medicine)
Dr. Yan-Fei Liu Electrical and Computer Engineering

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Tucker Carrington Chemistry; Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Dr. Mark Daymond Mechanical and Materials Engineering; Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Dr. Nancy van Deusen History
Dr. Margaret Moore Political Studies
Dr. Robert Ross Kinesiology and Health Studies

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Pascale Champagne  Civil Engineering
Dr. Liying Cheng Faculty of Education
Dr. Cathleen Crudden Chemistry
Dr. Sam McKegney English
Dr. Denis O'Donnell  Medicine

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Gauvin Bailey Art History and Art Conservation
Dr. James R. Cordy School of Computing
Dr. Janet Hiebert Political Studies
Dr. Stephen Vanner Medicine
Dr. Virginia Walker Biology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Anne Croy Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
Dr. Jacalyn Duffin History of Medicine
Dr. Mark Diederichs Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Dr. Guojun Liu Chemistry
Dr. Myra Hird Environmental Studies

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Glenville Jones Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
Dr. Christine Overall Philosophy
Dr. Ian Moore Civil Engineering
Dr. John Kirby Education
Dr. Stephen Hughes Physics

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Richard Birtwhistle Family Medicine
Dr. John Burge School of Music
Dr. Troy Day Mathematics and Statistics
Dr. W. George Lovell Geography
Dr. R. Kerry Rowe Civil Engineering

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Praveen Jain Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Rena Upitis Faculty of Education

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Zongchao Jia Biomedical and Molecular Sciences
Dr. Victor Snieckus Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Philip Jessop Chemistry
Dr. Roland Speicher Mathematics and Statistics

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Wendy Craig Psychology
Dr. Martin Duncan Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Guy Narbonne Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Dr. Elia Zureik Sociology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Robert Montgomerie Biology
Dr. Suning Wang Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Prof. Nicholas Bala Faculty of Law
Dr. Stan Brown Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Selim Akl School of Computing
Dr. Keith Poole Microbiology and Immunology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Melvin Wiebe English
Dr. Joe Pater Oncology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. T. Kurtis Kyser Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Dr. M. Ram Murty Mathematics and Statistics

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Khem Jhamandas Pharmacology and Toxicology
Dr. Will Kymlicka Philosophy

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Russel Davidson Economics
Dr. David Lillicrap Pathology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Peter L. Davies Biochemistry, Biology
Dr. Frederick P. Lock English

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Axel D. Becke Chemistry
Prof. Alexander J. Easson Faculty of Law

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Michael C. Baird Chemistry
Dr. James A. Leith History

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Julian Barling School of Business
Dr. Almeria Natansohn Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Mireille Calle-Gruber French Studies
Dr. Robert Kisilevsky Pathology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. James G. MacKinnon Economics
Dr. Gerald S. Marks Pharmacology and Toxicology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Susan P.C. Cole Pharmacology and Toxicology, Oncology, Pathology
Dr. John P. Smol Biology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Barry J. Frost Psychology
Dr. Jean-Jacques Hamm French Studies

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Donald H. Akenson History
Dr. J. Allen Keast Biology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Robin W. Boadway Economics
Dr. Roger G. Deeley Pathology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Prof. Pierre B. Gobin French Studies
Dr. Jeffrey K.S. Wan Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Henry A. Becker Chemical Engineering
Dr. Alan R. Giles Pathology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Richard G. Harris Economics
Dr. Nancy E. Simpson Paediatrics, Biology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. T. Geoffrey Flynn Biochemistry
Dr. Kristian S. Palda School of Business

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Fred Cooke Biology
Dr. Richard N. Henriksen Physics

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Adolfo J. DeBold Department of Pathology
Prof. David J. Mullan Faculty of Law

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Richard Hope Simpson Classics
Dr. Saul Wolfe Chemistry

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Paulo Ribenboim Mathematics and Statistics
Dr. Anthony W. Riley German Studies

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Prof. David L. Atherton and Dr. Anthony R. Eastham (jointly) Physics and Electrical Engineering (respectively)
Dr. Jacob Kraicer Physiology

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Albert C. Hamilton English
Dr. Gerald P. Raymond Civil Engineering

Winners Departmental Affiliation
Dr. Richard G. Lipsey Economics
Dr. Barry T. Smith Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology