Students: How to report academic misconduct

Reporting Suspected Academic Integrity Violations

Maintaining academic integrity is fundamental to upholding the standards of excellence and fairness within our educational community. As part of our commitment to fostering an environment of honesty and integrity, we encourage students to report suspected violations they encounter to their instructor.

Students: How to Report Academic Misconduct

Infographic: How to report academic misconduct (PDF, 59KB)

Have you heard rumors? Or did you witness the cheating directly?

Do you have evidence (e.g. group chats, copied assignments) and/or a specific direction in which you can point the instructor(e.g. look at Student A & B鈥檚 assignments) for evidence?

Email your instructor and/or set up a meeting to speak to them in person.

If the incidence is not in one of your classes, reach out to the Academic Integrity Team in your faculty/school. 

Your concerns will be evaluated by the recipient to determine if there is sufficient information to initiate an investigation and, if yes, who (e.g. instructor, academic integrity lead) should investigate.

Rumors and anonymous reports with no evidence - or guidance on where to find evidence - cannot be investigated. 

If the evidence can not be separated from the source (i.e. you) the investigation will proceed only with your permission. 

What Constitutes Academic Integrity Violation?

According to the Senate policy on academic integrity, the specific departures from academic integrity are: plagiarism, use of unauthorized materials, facilitation or unauthorized collaboration, falsification, forgery, unauthorized use of intellectual property, and failure to abide by academic rules. Please refer here to review the Types of Academic Integrity Departures.  has