Alumni Spotlight Series

In June 2019, the Bader International Study Centre celebrated 25 incredible years of teaching and learning at Herstmonceux Castle. A generous gift from visionary philanthropists and proud Queen's alumni Alfred and Isabel Bader, the Castle opened its doors to students in 1994 and has now welcomed more than 7,000 students from across Canada and around the world to live, work, and play on its beautiful 15th-century rural estate.

We may have changed our name to Bader College, but the Castle is still a very special place to study. Small class sizes and graduate student-style contact with faculty encourages critical discussion, lively debate, and inspires our students to delve deeper into their course material. Experiential Learning Opportunities (ELOs), move the learning out of the traditional classroom environment and encourage active learning by visiting museums, galleries, and exhibits, taking part in guided walking tours, and engaging in lively discourse with a broad range of visiting speakers.

We don't need to tell you that students at Bader College share a special bond. They form fast, firm friendships in a close-knit and supportive environment. Time at the Castle teaches students to be independent and resourceful, whilst appreciating the free time available to explore local towns, nearby London, and even onward travel to mainland Europe

A legacy of our 25th anniversary celebrations, our Alumni Spotlight Series aims to connect and celebrate the unique Castle alumni community and inspire future Castle students by shining a light on individuals who were deeply impacted by their Castle experience.

Cha Gheill!

Alumni Spotlight Series Profiles