Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Mar 30, 2022
Event - with Fauve Kurnadi and Dr Jonathan Kolieb, A conversation about corporate responsibility in international humanitarian law and what the business and human rights dialogue is missing
Mar 24, 2022
In Person Event - An Inside View of Defence Policy Development During the Pandemic
Mar 10, 2022
Student Event - Join us as we map out Canada's security and defence sector and introduce Emerging Leaders in Canadian Security to the Queens U community!
Mar 9, 2022
Upcoming Event - with speaker LTC(P) Chad M. Pillai - Great Power Competition in the Western Indian Ocean Region and what the U.S. needs to do to preserve its position of relative dominance
Mar 3, 2022
Reconciling Allied Perspectives with Joel J. Sokolsky & Luca Ratti
Jan 19, 2022
Six presenters will highlight their contributions to three books from this series: Why We Fight; Transhumanizing War; and Culture and the Soldier
Nov 3, 2021
The way ethics are considered when it comes to qualitative research has changed a lot over time. Certainly, social scientists have long been concerned with moral and social considerations pertaining their research.