HOMECOMING 2013: Student clean-up program a SMART idea

HOMECOMING 2013: Student clean-up program a SMART idea

September 23, 2013


The Alma Mater Society’s Student Maintenance and Resource Team (AMS SMART) works throughout the school year to keep the neighbourhoods around the Queen’s campus clean and safe. The team will ramp up their normal work shifts during the two Homecoming weekends to clean up any litter left behind, and are currently recruiting volunteers.

SMART was established in 2011 to improve the quality of life for students and their neighbours in the residential areas surrounding Queen’s. Working with the City of Kingston, SMART offers a variety of services including free-of-charge cleanup, low-cost contract work to landlords in the area, and yard cleanup services.

With the return of Homecoming, Catherine Wright, AMS Municipal Affairs Commissioner, expects SMART’s services will be in much demand and she’s recruiting volunteers to bolster the existing team.

“We will be working Sunday and Monday mornings of both weekends, and possibly Saturday, if we get enough volunteers,” says Ms. Wright.

Ms. Wright credits Michael Mooney, SMART head manager for organizing the teams of workers and the City of Kingston for their generous offer of cleanup equipment.

“The City has been a wonderful partner with SMART. It’s really a mutually supportive arrangement,” she says.

Ms. Wright and Mr. Mooney welcome students’ participation in the SMART cleanup during Homecoming weekends. Please contact SMART@ams.queensu.ca to volunteer or for more information.

If you’re interested in other volunteer opportunities, visit the to find out about Queen’s Gives Back, a program that brings students and alumni together to collect food for local food banks, and the University Avenue Tree Planting Initiative, which gives students the opportunity to beautify the campus by planting trees.