Planning committee's mandate strengthened

Planning committee's mandate strengthened

May 30, 2013


New terms of reference for the Queen’s University Planning Committee (QUPC), a joint committee of the Board of Trustees and the Senate, have been approved by both bodies. The newly constituted committee will take on an oversight role of the university’s budget development and capital project planning processes.

“The broadened role of the QUPC allows for greater participation in the budgeting and campus planning process, and further links these activities to the academic and research missions of the university,” said Daniel Woolf, Principal and Vice-Chancellor.

The committee will review the budget as it is developed by the university, before it is presented to the Board for final approval.

The new QUPC will also take on responsibility for developing a consistent process for the approval of major capital projects, and will assume an oversight role for those projects from development through to completion. These changes will see the retirement of the Senate Budget Advisory Committee and the Campus Planning and Development Committee (CPDC).

In addition, a new Campus Planning Advisory Committee (CPAC) has been established to provide ongoing management of capital, landscape, grounds and outdoor art project planning – ensuring these projects adhere to campus planning policy. CPAC will oversee the implementation of the Board-approved major capital project approvals process, and be accountable through the provost to the QUPC.

“These changes will mean more effective co-ordination of the university’s financial, enrollment and physical planning, with improved oversight of large capital projects,” says David Gordon, Professor and Director of the School of Urban and Regional Planning, and long-time member and vice-chair of the CPDC.