Search for new chaplain underway

Search for new chaplain underway

April 11, 2013


Queen’s University has begun the search for the next university chaplain. Brian Yealland, who has served as chaplain since 1983, is retiring in June.

“The chaplaincy plays an important role at this university and serves as a resource for the Queen’s community,” says Ann Tierney, Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs. “Chaplain Yealland has been a pillar of support and guidance for three decades.”

In addition to providing individual spiritual guidance to students, staff and faculty, the chaplain facilitates a variety of faith-based activities, provides support in response to tragic events, and participates in an official capacity at university events, such as convocation.

Following the announcement of Chaplain Yealland’s retirement, the division of Student Affairs led a review of the chaplaincy. It included broad consultation with the Queen’s community about the future of the chaplaincy and examined the provision of spiritual and faith-based services at other universities.

“We heard resounding support for the chaplaincy as a vital part of the university community,” says Vice-Provost and Dean Tierney. “The need for a stronger multi-faith presence on campus, in light of Queen’s increasing spiritual diversity, was among the priorities identified by the review.”

The next chaplain’s mandate will include expanding the volunteer multi-faith chaplaincy team and increasing opportunities for inter-faith dialogue, on campus and with the community. These priorities align with recommendations of the Principal’s Commission on Mental Health.

Applications for the position are currently being accepted by .