Construction crane goes up at JDUC

Construction crane goes up at JDUC

October 31, 2022


A tower crane will be erected on the John Deutsch University Centre (JDUC) revitalization project site this week. The 10-storey tall crane is scheduled to arrive on site on Thursday, Nov. 3, and will take a day to install. Area traffic is not expected to be impacted during the installation or operation of the crane.

Work on the site continues to progress. Rock excavation, which began Oct. 17, is expected to continue for another three weeks. Work is being done between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Removal of demolished and excavated materials is ongoing.

The university thanks everyone for their patience while this important work is completed.

More information on the JDUC Revitalization Project is available online at .