Employees and family invited to lace up and skate for free


Employees and family invited to lace up and skate for free

December 6, 2022


In search of activities for December? Employee Wellness Services is pleased to offer Queen’s employees and family members free drop-in skating at the Kingston Memorial Centre. Lace up, bring your family, and connect with colleagues for free.

The following two drop-in sessions are available exclusively for Queen’s employees and family members at the Memorial Centre, 303 York St., Kingston.

  • Sunday, Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. – Noon
  • Saturday, Dec. 17, from 6 â€“ 7 p.m.

Upon entrance, employees will be asked to show their Queen’s Employee ID Card for free admission. Donations to support the AMS Food Bank will also be accepted.

Rink capacity is limited to 125 people. For more information about the Memorial Centre, visit the .

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