Help advance employee wellbeing across campus

Help advance employee wellbeing across campus

Employee Wellness Services seeking participants for upcoming focus groups, offering summer wellness programming.

July 11, 2022


Employee Wellness Services, a new unit within Human Resources, is seeking staff and faculty participants for upcoming focus group sessions. Each focus group will explore one of the following five themes to determine the best way to approach, plan, implement, and evaluate employee wellness on campus moving forward:

  1. Defining Wellness
  2. Leadership
  3. Communications
  4. Work-Life Balance
  5. Appreciation and Recognition

These sessions are the first of many initiatives the new unit is taking to better understand what wellbeing could look like for employees and how it could be achieved in the coming years. The first phase of focus group sessions will take place from July 18 to Aug. 5, with a second phase of sessions planned for September.

Employees interested in participating in one or more of the focus group sessions can email to register. When emailing, please indicate which of the five sessions you would like to attend based on the above themes. Those who are interested but are unable to join the sessions can email for alternative ways to get involved. 

Summer Wellness Programming

Employee Wellness Services is hosting two upcoming summer wellness events open to all staff and faculty:

Monday, July 25, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Self-Care Webinar (virtual): Taking charge of your total wellbeing has become increasingly more challenging over these past few years. Juggling schedules, taking care of others, and working from home have really changed the way we take care of ourselves. This self-care webinar will be an opportunity for you to learn tactics and strategies to assist with your own personal self-care in several dimensions of wellness. You will also have an opportunity to see what current activities Queen’s offers to assist in your personal self-care.

Friday, July 29, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Coffee Break/Fika (in-person): To commemorate International Friendship Day, take a break with the Employee Wellness Services team at the newly-opened Employee Community Garden, located in the courtyard behind Jeffery Hall. This coffee break is modeled after Fika, a Swedish tradition in which friends and colleagues take a break together with coffee and snacks. All are welcomed and encouraged to bring their own coffee and snacks.

Additional wellness programming will continue to be developed and released over the coming months. Employees are encouraged to review the for the latest information and updates.