Internal awards invest in research enterprise

Internal awards invest in research enterprise

By Communications Staff

October 24, 2016


Letters of Intent can now be submitted for the 2017 Queen’s Research Opportunities Funds (QROF) competition − a suite of internal research awards seeing major investments being made in support of the research enterprise at Queen’s.

[Research]Helping to advance the objectives of the  and the , the QROF provide researchers and scholars financial support to accelerate their programs and research goals. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate how they will use this internal research funding to leverage or match external funding, or to develop an external grant proposal.

The QROF consist of four funds:

  • The Research Leaders’ Fund – for strategic institutional commitments to aspirational research in support of the university’s research strengths and priorities
  • The International Fund – to assist in augmenting the university’s international reputation through increased global engagement
  • The Arts Fund – designed to support artists and their contributions to the scholarly community and to advancing Queen’s University
  • The Post-Doctoral Fund – to both attract outstanding post-doctoral fellows to Queen’s and to support their contributions to research and to the university

In 2016, the inaugural year of the program,  across disciplines at Queen’s received QROF funding.

“We are excited to launch our second year of the QROF programs after a very successful inaugural competition,” says Dr. Steven Liss, Vice-Principal (Research). “We encourage applications from those looking to advance their research programs by continuing to push the boundaries of knowledge, and those hoping to forge new collaborations with colleagues and scholars around the world.”

Information on each of the funds, the Letter of Intent form, and a detailed FAQ can be found on the website of the . Letters of Intent for the Research Leaders’, International and Arts Funds are due Dec. 1.