Supporting research and discovery

Supporting research and discovery

Sixty-eight research programs to receive support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) that will enable them to carry out innovative research projects over the next one to five years.

By Chris Moffatt Armes

June 23, 2016


Discovery Grants

Mark Chen (Physics) 
Anthony Noble (Physics) 
Tomas Babak (Biology) 
Leda Raptis (DBMS) 
Graham Cote (DBMS) 
Inka Brockhausen (DBMS) 
Peter Davies (DBMS) 
Chandrakant Tayade (DBMS) 
Tom Hollenstein (Psychology) 
Meredith Chivers (Psychology) 
Jacqueline Monaghan (Biology) 
Brendon Gurd (Kinesiology & Health Studies) 
Michael Tschakovsky, (Kinesiology & Health Studies) 
Mark Sabbagh (Psychology) 
Robert Colautti (Biology) 
David Zechel (Chemistry) 
Michael Baird (Chemistry) 
Cathleen Crudden (Chemistry) 
Richard Oleschuk (Chemistry) 
Kevin Stamplecoskie (Chemistry) 
Gang Wu (Chemistry) 
Judith Irwin (Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy) 
Kayll Lake (Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy) 
Heather Jamieson (Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering) 
Brian Cumming (Biology) 
Kent Novakowski (Civil Engineering) 
David Skillicorn (Computing) 
Francesco Cellarosi (Mathematics and Statistics) 
Michael McIsaac (Public Health Sciences) 
Anthony Geramita (Mathematics and Statistics) 
Boris Levit (Mathematics and Statistics) 
Dongsheng Tu (Public Health Sciences) 
Abdol-Reza Mansouri (Mathematics and Statistics) 
Neil Hoult (Civil Engineering) 
Mark Diederichs (Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering) 
Kevin Mumford (Civil Engineering) 
Paresh Sen (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Wai-Yip Chan (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Theresa Davies (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Carlos Saavedra (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Evelyn Morin (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Gabor Fichtinger (Computing) 
Ahmad Afsahi (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Alireza Bakhshai (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 
Marianna Kontopoulou (Chemical Engineering) 
Dominik Barz (Chemical Engineering) 
Zhongwen Yao (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Alan Giacomin (Chemical Engineering) 
David Rival (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Ugo Piomelli (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Jacob Jeswiet (Mechanical and Materials Engineering)

Research Tools and Instruments Grants

Diane Beauchemin (Chemistry) 
Richard Beninger (Psychology) 
Pascale Champagne (Civil Engineering) 
Robert Colautti (Biology) 
Gabor Fichtinger (Computing) 
Ahmad Ghahremaninezhad (Mining Engineering) 
D. Jean Hutchinson (Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering) 
Marianna Kontopoulou (Chemical Engineering) 
Hans-Peter Loock (Chemistry) 
Michael Rainbow (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
David Rival (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Zhongwen Yao (Mechanical and Materials Engineering) 
Shetuan Zhang (DBMS)

Discovery Accelerator Supplements

Neil Hoult (Civil Engineering) 
Jacqueline Monaghan (Biology) 
David Rival (Mechanical Engineering) 
David Zechel (Chemistry)

Sixty-eight Queen’s research projects, from a variety of disciplines, have received more than $13.5 million in funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). A total of 72.1 per cent of Queen’s Discovery Grant applications were successful in receiving funding, which represents an increase of nearly four per cent over 2015, and exceeds the national success rate of 66 per cent. The funding received will enable researchers to carry out innovative research projects over the next one to five years.

“A cornerstone program of NSERC, the Discovery Grants suite is a vital investment which recognizes the leading-edge work of new and emerging researchers as well as established leaders in the natural sciences and engineering,” says Steven Liss, Vice-Principal, Research at Queen’s University. “This support has the ability to have a transformative impact on their research programs – laying the foundation for new knowledge and providing a platform for new innovations and collaborations – which focus on finding solutions for some of society’s most pressing issues.”

Notable recipients include Mark Chen, Anthony Noble and Judith Irwin (Physics), Heather Jamieson (Geological Engineering) and Meredith Chivers (Psychology). 

Dr. Chen received a $1.38 million grant to run the SNO+ project at SNOLAB.


Dr. Noble received a three-year grant valued at $1.25 million to fund the PICO project and the search for dark matter.

Dr. Irwin received a five-year, $100,000 grant to study the evolution of galaxies.

Dr. Jamieson received $225,000 over five years to study means of reducing the environmental impact of mining for rare earth metals.

Dr. Chivers received $203,600 over five years to study how men and women differently experience sexual response.

In addition, four Queen’s researchers were awarded Discovery Accelerator Supplements. Valued at $120,000 over three years, these grants are awarded to researchers whose projects explore high-risk, novel or potentially transformative subjects that could lead to groundbreaking advances in their fields.

Five researchers also received an Early Career Research Supplement as part of their grant. Valued at $5,000 per year, the supplement is awarded to researchers who are in the first two years of an NSERC eligible position and who have no previous independent research experience.

(NSERC) invests in people, discovery and innovation to increase Canada’s scientific and technological capabilities for the benefit of all Canadians. NSERC serves to support post-secondary students and post-doctoral fellows in their advanced studies, promotes discovery by funding research conducted by post-secondary professors and fosters innovation by encouraging Canadian companies to participate and invest in post-secondary research and training. Over the last 10 years, NSERC has invested more than $7 billion in basic research, projects involving partnerships between post-secondary institutions and industry, and the training of Canada’s next generation of scientists and engineers.

For the full list of Discovery Grant recipients, or to learn more about the NSERC Discovery Grant, please visit the .

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